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A Federal Judge Just Ruled Texas' Gay Marriage Ban Unconstitutional


Posted 8:14 am, 03/12/2014

it only is pertinent if the women and the dog are gay.

Wilbur.... you idiot. The dog can't consent. Please, I beg of you, stay away from your pets dude. 3 barks for yes and 2 for no does NOT equate to consent. This has nothing to do with the subject at hand.

Besides... the woman is straight. It just goes to show you how sick straight people can be.


Posted 7:56 am, 03/12/2014


Posted 7:52 am, 03/12/2014

Don't say I didn't warn y'all!!!



Posted 10:56 pm, 03/07/2014

I'm just your humble reporter?

Dude. there's nothing humble about you... but I have to say, there's nothing humble about me either. So we're even.
These news articles come down in torrents from any simple google search, they are so numerous. No one has to "search the internet day and night" to get the facts. Try thirty seconds on google.Yet, you spend MORE than thirty seconds..... don't you? Do you touch yourself at all while you're googling?
Why don't y'all respond to the content of the stories, instead of trying to insult me, just one time? Who has the blinders? Who's trying to divert?

YOU are trying to divert. That's the answer to your question. I am not a humble reporter.... I'm actually not humble at all. But I'm honest.

You should try it.

We don't respond to the content because it's out of text.

Why don't YOU respond to the ACTUAL content? The "content" that you provide doesn't adhere or reflect the content that we are talking about. Why don't you answer ONE question, THE one question without diverting?

How does my marriage effect, hurt, involve, or cost you a thing? How?

divert this question as you always do by asking other questions.


You don't get thousands of answers from google unless you google them. Stop googling gay s--t and buck it up dude.

it's not about transgendered people in prison getting boob jobs from the state. If they can manage it, so the f what. You are so totally misguided. I want to personally thank you for helping the gay agenda advance. You have done more for us with your ridiculous posts than any other hating man has done. For this, I applaud you. You don't even realize that you have done more for gay rights than anyone. You have singularly made thousands of people in these counties want to vote for and help bring about the equal rights of gays everywhere. Bravo dip ****t. You're so stupid and hate filled that you don't even realize something. I WANT you to post. Your stupidity actually makes others realize how stupid THEY have been. They grow and learn from it... but there's NO end to YOUR stupidity... Just keep in posting sweet knees... you do more good than bad. and the best thing is you haven't a clue.. (Disney witch laugh)

Thanks for being an advocate.

"You think it's OK for government to force the church to employ an openly gay principal, in violation of the employment contract that he signed, not to mention pre-existing church doctrine? What happened to separation of church and state?

WHAT does THIS have to do with ME being MARRIED. Maybe, just MAYBE, you can stay on this subject. I'm not a priest and neither is my husband..... why do you bring up priests? We don't go to church.... why do you bring up churches? " wilbur

It's ok for the court to order multimillion dollar damages to a transsexual demanding to compete in professional sports as a woman? What's next? Bruce Jenner returning to the Olympics as a woman? Might make for a reality show!! Sometimes truth is stranger than fiction! lmmfao!

How bout the reality shows that involve you breeders? seems like a waste of money TO ME!

So.... it's ok for others to exploit? as long as they're not gay.. isn't THAT what you're saying?

You're ignorant and dead in the water... you are honestly "sport" to me Wilbie... it's like shooting fish in a bucket... LMFAO


Posted 3:09 pm, 03/07/2014

wilbar (view profile)

Posted 1:25 pm, 03/07/2014

I'm just your humble reporter.
These news articles come down in torrents from any simple google search, they are so numerous. No one has to "search the internet day and night" to get the facts. Try thirty seconds on google.

Why don't y'all respond to the content of the stories, instead of trying to insult me, just one time? Who has the blinders? Who's trying to divert?

You think it's OK for government to force the church to employ an openly gay principal, in violation of the employment contract that he signed, not to mention pre-existing church doctrine? What happened to separation of church and state?

It's ok for the court to order multimillion dollar damages to a transsexual demanding to compete in professional sports as a woman? What's next? Bruce Jenner returning to the Olympics as a woman? Might make for a reality show!! Sometimes truth is stranger than fiction! lmmfao!

Sigh. Okay.

The contract stated that the principal would not *teach against their Christian doctrines.* He only became a problem, in their eyes, when he finally wed his partner. Marriage is a private affair that has no place being brought into the workforce, religious school or not. They discriminated when he married, whereas before he was open and they held no problems. What probably occurred was that parents found out about the wedding and spoke too loudly. The private institution was going to lose funding, so they cut him loose. That's not okay when prior there was no problem.

And yes, what did happen to separation of church and state? That's where this whole marriage vs civil union vs lack of rights problem even COMES from is the lack of separation from church and state.
In the transgender case, please first do not refer to her as a transsexual. There is a difference between transsexual and transgender. Yes, it is perfectly fine to go to court over that issue. If she is currently in the transitional process (taking hormones, surgery status notwithstanding) she IS a woman. Her lower bits cease to be a matter in the process. Once the body is on the hormones everything changes and there is little difference between her and male counterparts. Forcing her to compete with men would be similar to having a very effeminate male compete with girls because he "looks girly" and happens to have a more "willowy" physique.

Its the same thing. There is no difference. So yes, she has a right to go to the courts just as much as anyone else would.


Elmo Cleghorn

Posted 1:57 pm, 03/07/2014

i don't do "i know you are but what am I" but you continually rag on about some agenda. i have yet to see any particular group that doesn't make all efforts to push their own agenda. it doesn't matter what group. your particular interest seems to be gays.

my post was not a diversion. it was on topic and directly related to what you had posted.

top soil.

Posted 1:54 pm, 03/07/2014

Sometimes its easier to come up with an elaborate conspiracy theory then it is to deal with the deep rooted feelings that you are trying to suppress.


Posted 1:36 pm, 03/07/2014

elmo, your last post is just a highbrow version of the "I know you are but what am I" diversion. You can do better than that? lol

Or, are you saying that two wrongs make a right?

We could discuss the actual issues...so, are y'all in favor of the last two bullet point examples?

Feel free to start threads on specific incidents of conservatives or Christians, that you feel strongly about.

Elmo Cleghorn

Posted 1:29 pm, 03/07/2014

wilbar (view profile)

Posted 9:16 am, 03/07/2014

One of the points that I've made all along; is that the gay advocates are quite aggressively forcing their agenda on all aspects of society. A coordinated attack.

It's quite easy to document with news articles coming out on a daily basis.

So the portrayal that their goal is confined to gay marriage equality; or that gays are just the victims here; is quite far from the truth. Quite the opposite, in fact.

it is not just gays with an agenda yet you never seem offended with any others. christians push their agenda on atheists. conservatives push their agenda on liberals. pick any group.

this is america.


Posted 1:25 pm, 03/07/2014

I'm just your humble reporter.

These news articles come down in torrents from any simple google search, they are so numerous. No one has to "search the internet day and night" to get the facts. Try thirty seconds on google.

Why don't y'all respond to the content of the stories, instead of trying to insult me, just one time? Who has the blinders? Who's trying to divert?

You think it's OK for government to force the church to employ an openly gay principal, in violation of the employment contract that he signed, not to mention pre-existing church doctrine? What happened to separation of church and state?

It's ok for the court to order multimillion dollar damages to a transsexual demanding to compete in professional sports as a woman? What's next? Bruce Jenner returning to the Olympics as a woman? Might make for a reality show!! Sometimes truth is stranger than fiction! lmmfao!

A rather simple assertion was made some time ago...if courts ordered that gay marriage demands were forced on the population, it would only beget more outlandish demands.

Muse, on the other hand, tried to assert that settling the gay marriage question would be the end of it; all rainbows and unicorns.

Clearly, the first alternative has come to pass.


Posted 12:46 pm, 03/07/2014

It's like this Wilbur honey.... If you're locked in a house with only one window, your perception of the world will be that single view.
You try to make people see the ONE view from YOUR window. Then, if they see something contrary, you try to convince them that they are seeing something different, or that what they saw was someone else trying to hide what they are REALLY doing in order to paint a different picture. You're the one who insists on painting new pictures or inaccurate renditions.
If you go through life with blinders on never turning your head, you'll only have one view. Your blinders are made of hate. Take your blinders off sunshine and take a look at the REAL world for a change.


Posted 11:31 am, 03/07/2014

oops... I meant to say...

"What he doesn't do is post the MILLIONS of such articles that are printed about the thousands of "agendas" and "law suits" brought about by the heterosexual population at large."


Posted 11:24 am, 03/07/2014

What Wilbur does is search the internet night and day for any news story about law suits brought about by anyone in the LGBT community. These law suits are supposed to support his theory that there is some sort of organized gay mob boss who controls all gays so that they can plan the take over of the world. He thinks that we are organized with phone trees, secret gay meetings, and an outlined agenda to world dominate. He also thinks we all know each other and communicate on a regular basis. I can't even organize my CHECK BOOK quite frankly. So, he obsesses on the internet collecting these "news articles" from mostly biased and ridiculous sources and posts them on here til nauseum. What he does do is post the MILLIONS of such articles that are printed about the thousands of "agendas" and "law suits" brought about by the heterosexual population at large. To Wilblur, It's ok for heterosexuals to file frivolous law suits, or sue large companies for unjust activities... but if you're in the LGBT, you haven't the right to do the same. That's REALLY what it boils down to other than the real reason for Wilblur's obsession... and we ALL know what THAT is.

Come out come out wherever you are......

top soil.

Posted 9:30 am, 03/07/2014

So...what is this gay agenda? Enforce interior design? Enslavement of heterosexuals? Send the "breeders" to exicution camps?

Im not understanding the threat here. I guess because my sexuality isn't threatened by the liberation of lgbt rights.


Posted 9:25 am, 03/07/2014

wilbar (view profile)

Posted 9:23 am, 03/07/2014

OK, you've got a page full of "word association", "last post wins", "what's for breakfast". Let's not forget "weather", "snow", "power out".

And you're still not satisfied that you're brain has turned to mush? (lmmfao)

f**k you boy.


Posted 9:23 am, 03/07/2014


OK, you've got a page full of "word association", "last post wins", "what's for breakfast". Let's not forget "weather", "snow", "power out".

And you're still not satisfied that you're brain has turned to mush? (lmmfao)


Posted 9:18 am, 03/07/2014

why don't you give it arrest wilbar...or do you enjoy giving people trouble all the time?


Posted 9:16 am, 03/07/2014

One of the points that I've made all along; is that the gay advocates are quite aggressively forcing their agenda on all aspects of society. A coordinated attack.

It's quite easy to document with news articles coming out on a daily basis.

So the portrayal that their goal is confined to gay marriage equality; or that gays are just the victims here; is quite far from the truth. Quite the opposite, in fact.

top soil.

Posted 9:07 am, 03/07/2014

So....is the point you're trying to make that it's ok to discriminate a human being based on their sexual preference?


Posted 8:59 am, 03/07/2014

Texas School District Pays $77K to Former Student Who Claimed Softball Coaches Outed Her to Mom

A Texas woman received a $77,500 settlement in a lawsuit against the Kilgore Independent School District, claiming that her softball coaches violated her privacy by revealing her sexual orientation to her mother.

Skye Wyatt, now 21, alleged in her lawsuit that the Kilgore ISD violated her constitutional right to privacy, as well as the Texas Constitution and Texas law, according to the Longview News-Journal.

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