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A Federal Judge Just Ruled Texas' Gay Marriage Ban Unconstitutional

top soil.

Posted 12:57 pm, 03/13/2014

Seriously Wilber. Its ok. You can come out now. No one will judge you. You dont have to hide anymore.


Posted 12:41 pm, 03/13/2014

Muse, you continually frame the entire debate around your situation. You're right, I don't know or care what y'all do privately.

However, it's completely dishonest to assert the entire LGBTQ agenda is limited to achieving marriage equality for you.

Heck, the whole campaign is founded on inclusiveness for whatever variations and fetishes that can be justified; using exactly the same justification that you constantly raise "God (haha) made me that way" blah, blah, blah.

You completely ignore and misrepresent the cost to society of various aspects of the gay lifestyle; which are enormous, undeniable based on cdc statistics.

You never answered the question, who is paying for your $40k per year STD meds...all the while bragging that you never take a penny of taxpayer money. Medicaid?


Posted 9:55 pm, 03/12/2014

Wilblur... the simple fact that you equate my productive and respectful marriage of MANY years to that of a nut job who marries a dog, is an insult. and once again I ask you... what have WE done to you? You've never even met us... and quite frankly, you've never met that woman and her pooch. Why are you so concerned with what OTHER people do with their lives? Why is it any of your business? It's up to animal control to protect the dog SINCE IT CAN'T CONSENT.... but if some whack job wants to tell people she's married to a dog, who cares? My marriage is between two, not three, consenting adults. it's really not for you to decide what my constitutional rights should or should not be. Stop obsessing dude... really. You lost the fight. Now put on your big boy panties and go find another group to hate on or another cause to waste a ton of money on. OR just come out and be happy instead of being hateful and filled with angst and envy.


Posted 6:08 pm, 03/12/2014

I think Wilbar forgets there's a search feature on here.


Posted 5:48 pm, 03/12/2014

wilbar: You have made probably hundreds of posts regarding your disdain of h*mosexuals. That horse has run from the barn. In fact, the barn has burned.

If you are saying now that you've turned over a new leaf, that will be interesting to observe.


Posted 5:34 pm, 03/12/2014

I have absolutely no resentment, or discrimination against anyone.

well, I scrolled back thru the thread, and found not one single case of bullying or bigotry by moi; could you be a little more specific with an example?

In contrast, outright namecalling, and inuendo abounds among those with whom I disagree on this topic. Have you somehow overlooked this?


Posted 5:19 pm, 03/12/2014

Nah, nobody's being labeled or bullied for posting informative news articles.

What you are seeing is you being called out because of your obvious bigotry.

People can read new articles and draw their own conclusions.

You, however, are very clear about your resentment toward h*mosexuals and that you have no compunction about discriminating them in every way.

I think it's safe to say that you're bullying isn't working on here.


Posted 4:01 pm, 03/12/2014

The dog that the lady married was a female.

How does that translate into labeling the woman as "straight"?

More importantly, the LGBTQ crew is CONSTANTLY whining about the bullying aspect of labels used by society against them. As this thread confirms, they have NO reservations about demonizing someone else with derogatory sexual labels, in exactly the same way.

And for what? Simply posting informative news articles.

Your humble reporter is shaking his head.

top soil.

Posted 3:16 pm, 03/12/2014

Wilber thinks about gay sex more then most gay men do.


Posted 1:49 pm, 03/12/2014

thanks Quackers... a straight woman marrying a dog has NOTHING to do with my marriage to my partner.


Posted 1:44 pm, 03/12/2014

Muse, "The Woman is Straight" great comeback


Posted 1:37 pm, 03/12/2014

topsoil... it happens every time. He just needs SOME sort of gay vessel... even if it's a "gay thread." Secret urges are hard to quell......


Posted 1:33 pm, 03/12/2014

I can't believe you haven't posted this yet, wilbie. It supports your theories.


top soil.

Posted 10:42 am, 03/12/2014

Notice how this thread was dead for almost five days and then to justify his existance had to revive it. Just goes to show that, that in which is forbidden lies heavy on the mind.


Posted 8:45 am, 03/12/2014

Wilbar, do you really not see how ridiculous it is for you to try and equate a story like this crazy lady marrying her dog, to gay marriage? It has nothing, absolutely nothing to do with gay marriage.

How about if we say there shouldn't be any more churches because of all the pedophile priests and preachers there have been, that is more of a logical outcome than what you are trying to put together.


Posted 8:42 am, 03/12/2014

Muse, what does that even mean?

Clue us all in on your obscure fetish, thanks.


Posted 8:33 am, 03/12/2014

the only slippery slope Wilbie is the one between your shoulder blades and your rump.


Posted 8:21 am, 03/12/2014

What stands out; in reading this woman's story...just change a couple of words, and it mirrors exactly the life testimony that muse has volunteered on gowilkes, what... about 350 times.


Even supreme court justices have opined on the "slippery slope" aspect of the gay marriage debate.

This won't be the end of it, there is no doubt.


Posted 8:21 am, 03/12/2014

Muse, you are wasting your time trying to get through to wilbie. He has his agenda to pursue "dontcha know"! He's a one trick pony, trying to make himself seem relevant by hating others.

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